Children and Migraines - How to Tell If Your Child Has Them and How to prevent Them

Thursday, June 13, 2013

7 Lies We Tell Our Doctors

When you finish reading this article, you will have learned how to tell if your child is suffering from migraines - and not just general headaches - and how to treat them naturally. Be sure to read straight through to the end of the description so you will not miss any of this necessary information.

Does your child have migraines?

Children can suffer from headaches - just like adults. These headaches can be caused by illnesses such as the flu or a cold or a sinus infection.

However, if your child is showing these symptoms along with headaches, they may well be suffering from migraines.

- Waking in the night

- Early morning vomiting without nausea

- Personality changes

- Fever, stiff neck

- Sensitivity to light and noise

- finding an "aura"

If your child has these symptoms, be sure to to take him or her to a doctor or, best yet, a ill clinic, for a professional diagnosis.

Keep a food diary

Before you take your child to see a doctor or ill specialist, be sure to keep a food diary for some weeks, paying extra attentiveness to the foods your child ate before getting a migraine. This is because many authorities believe that poor nutrition, along with sleep and exercise are the foremost causes of migraines in kids.

Too much texting?

Is your child texting permanently or spending hour after hour on a cellphone?

One good way of helping stamp out the migraines is to make sure your child gets out-of-doors and gets some exercise. This, along with good nourishment and vitamin supplements can help defeat those migraines. Plus, it's a lot best than loading up the kid of anti-depressants or other distinguished drugs.

Help your child preclude migraines

If your child is diagnosed as suffering from migraines, there re a amount of things you can do to preclude them. Here are some of the best throbbing head preventers:

- Have your child drink 4 to 8 glasses of water or other non-caffeinated drinks a day

- Make sure your child gets 8 to 10 hours sleep a night

- Feed your child balanced meals at regular hours. Do not allow him or her to skip meals

- Avoid migraine-triggering foods such as chocolate, aged cheese and packaged lunch meat

While all of these may not work - every child is different - just like every adult - but if you succeed them religiously, you should see your child suffering many fewer migraines.

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