How Do You Know If You Have Diabetes? Three Ways to Tell Before You Go to the doctor

Sunday, June 2, 2013

7 Lies We Tell Our Doctors

How do you know if you have diabetes without going to the Doctor? This is a itsybitsy more complex question than it sounds. A lot of citizen don't have any idea that they're diabetic until they go for a blood test that shows elevated blood sugar, but there are some ways to tell.

Here are the top three:

Excessive Thirst - if you're enduringly thirsty without any particular reason, then there's a good occasion you're diabetic or pre diabetic. What happens is that your body tries to get rid of the sugar by filtering it through the kidneys and then out via urination. Since you're peeing a lot, you need to drink a lot. If you get a lot of thirst or dry mouth after eating sugary or starchy food, you're right on need to see your doctor to confirm.

Excessive urination - This tends to go hand in hand with the first one. How do you know if you have diabetes? You'll be going to the bathroom. A lot. Your body will try to get rid of the excess sugar as best it can, so you'll be peeing a whole lot in an effort to get blood sugar levels down to a manageable level.

Your urine will also tend to establish an odd smell that's hard to describe. It's not the unpleasant smell of ammonia that you usually get. So if you're seeing yourself having to get up a lot to pee or taking way more bathroom breaks than usual, you should again go see your doctor.

Excessive Fatigue - Being a diabetic is tiring. I personally can judge my blood sugar level just by my level of exhaustion. This one isn't a great write back to the how do you know if you have diabetes question, because lots of things can cause fatigue. But if you're enduringly tired and lethargic, this is one of the things you'll right on need to have checked out, especially if you're also overweight or having one of the other symptoms mentioned.

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